Another UK Lockdown? All You Need to Know About hMPV

Over the past few days, scenes of overrun hospitals and emergency departments in China have emerged across the internet. This has sparked concerns over another pandemic or potential UK lockdown due to a virus called Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV).
What Is hMPV and What Do We Know About It?
The hMPV virus has similar symptoms to a standard cold. You may experience a runny nose, sore throat, cough, raised temperature, shortness of breath and also croup in babies.
Most cases are mild. However, young children, older adults and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of severe illness.
Most people commonly contract hMPV before the ages of five. In severe cases, it can develop into bronchitis and pneumonia which can lead to hospital care. In health and social care settings, the best way to protect those we support is to understand infection prevention and control.
At CBAT, we have a course on infection prevention and control. This course teaches you how to prevent and manage infection outbreaks.
Will There Be an Outbreak of hMPV in the UK?
Cases of hMPV Human Metapneumovirus within the United Kingdom increased to 5% during the final week of December. The respiratory illness can affect anyone, but most cases are in children under five years old.
Statistics show that infection numbers are similar to those from the same time last year. Currently, these numbers are relatively low unlike other respiratory viruses such as influenza.
Should We Be Worried About the hMPV Virus?
With such a lack of information released around the outbreak in China, many around the world are concerned that the virus may arrive in their country. With lots of speculation in the media, Beijing stated that respiratory infections like hMPV are common during the winter period.
According to experts, those in the UK should not worry. Did you know that hMPV was discovered by a scientist called Prof Tregoning in the year of 2001? The virus has been around for more than seventy years and we know a lot about it. hMPV has certainly been circulating for a long time prior to its discovery.
Unlike the COVID virus, there is guaranteed immune protection. Symptoms are likely to be more severe the first time people are exposed to a virus.
How to Lower the Risk of hMPV Symptoms
Like all winter viruses, the same rules apply. It is important to be within ventilated spaces when meeting others, hands sanitize often and catch coughs and sneezes in a disposable tissue or into the curve of your arm. Should you experience a symptomatic infection, it is important to avoid those who are vulnerable.
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